Envíe sus consultas sobre la piel a Dr. Agnes, CEO de Herborium y experta en medicina natural
Acne pimples start to develop in pores that become clogged with excess sebum (skin oil) made by the sebaceous glands. As the pores become clogged with the excess skin oil they also trap dead skins cells that normally rise to the surface of the skin to be sloughed off.
Propionibacterium acnes is a tiny microbe that lives in the oily region of the skin's pores. These bacteria can aggravate an immune response which causes red, swollen bumps to develop on the skin (acne). With excess sebum, dead skin cells and some dirt, this bacteria also gets trapped in the pores and as the body attempts to kill them using its immune system; you get a local inflammatory response due to cytokines, chemokines and white blood cells entering the area.
Normally the pore is “walled off” by the cells in the lower layers of the skin but in the case of cysts, this inflammation spreads under the top layer of the skin. This influx of cells and proteins causes swelling (bumps under the skin) and can be very harmful to the skin. If you try to squeeze these bumps, you induce more skin damage, which recruits more immune cells into the area and starts a vicious cycle that ends up damaging skin and leaving scars. As a result, treatment of cystic acne is more difficult and will take longer. It is especially important that cystic acne is not “popped” as this may only spread the bacteria, cause additional (and sometimes really serious) inflammation and lead to deep skin damage that may result in acne scars.
Doctor approved and clinically proven AcnEase®, all herbal, novel treatment for acne, has shown to be very effective in cases of cystic acne since it contains ingredients that both break the cycle of acne and also work as moderate anti-bacteria and anti-inflammatory agents. Nevertheless, in case of cystic acne, even AcnEase needs to be used longer than if you are someone who suffers from a non-inflammatory type of acne.
For cystic acne, we recommend the severe acne regimen, and we strongly encourage our users to stick to the regimen without exceptions or missing doses.
You also need to make certain you do not further clog pores with topical agents nor apply agents which irritate your skin further causing over drying that will produce more dead skin cells and therefore an aggravating inflammatory reaction.
Finally – as cysts take the longest time to treat, you may need to be patient and stick to the regimen for more than the minimum recommendation of one month. AcnEase® will prevent more sebum from forming, but your body needs to heal the damaged tissue. By preventing more pimples from forming with AcnEase®, you can achieve this goal.