Envíe sus consultas sobre la piel a Dr. Agnes, CEO de Herborium y experta en medicina natural
* 10% off applies to orders £99 or more and 100Euro or more. No code needed
To ALL our Customers ,
In this difficult time we at AcnEase are with you both in spirit and in our actions.
We comply with all CDC recommendations to reduce the probability to spread Covid-19 among our employees and to provide you with the best and safest product possible. Thankfully to date none of our employees has become infected.
AcnEase is manufactured in the USA in a FDA compliant facility that has also implemented CDC recommendations.
The AcnEase bottle was originally designed to limit any environmental influence on the product and to double the active “shelf live” of AcnEase in comparison to FTC standards. AcnEase stays fresh for 4 years! . Today, the same bottle effectively protects our product against any potential external contamination
We have implemented strict rules for a fulfillment process ensuring no ungloved hand touches the AcnEase bottles.
Obviously wherever we can we follow recommendations regarding social distancing in all possible areas of our business.
We also recognize that as we have secured our inventory and our process of making AcnEase and processing your orders we rely on brave USPS workers to deliver AcnEase to you. If this takes a little longer than usual, please understand that they too need to follow CDC rules.
As for receiving ANY package, from us, Amazon, your friend or even the grocery store we recommend you disinfect the box or package before opening by whipping it or spraying it with disinfecting wipes or spray. Remove the product, dispose of package box immediately and wash your hands with soap and water for at lease 20 seconds
Also look up for a new series of tips and suggestions how to keep you skin clear and your spirit high while practicing all basic safety rules:
KEEP SAFE Thank you for your business TOGETHER WE OVERCOME Dr Agnes and AcnEase Team