Envíe sus consultas sobre la piel a Dr. Agnes, CEO de Herborium y experta en medicina natural
Here our Herbaceutical experts share with you the latest information on Herbal Medicinal Solutions and provide helpful advise on how to improve and mange different types of Acne and Rosacea skin related problems. Thanks to our resident Herbalist we also provide you with many helpful recipes for "do it at home" masks, cleansers, and skin treatments to make your skin the best it can be. Read the articles below to find out more. If you need specialized advise e-mail us at: Herbaceuticals@Herborium.com
El primer paso para deshacerse de las cicatrices y marcas de acné es dejar que la piel se cure mientras se detienen los nuevos brotes. Las marcas y cicatrices del acné son el resultado de lesiones profundas y brotes repetidos y se pueden prevenir si se eliminar los síntomas del acné.
Women and men that have active physical lifestyles tend to suffer more with body acne due in part to more frequent perspiration/
There was a time when men's personal care products were limited to shaving gear, cologne and deodorant. But judging by the boom in the men's skin care market the days of men stealing their woman's moisturizer are quickly disappearing.
For Rosacea sufferers the redness or blush can be made worse by the following stimuli: heat, exercise, stress, alcohol consumption, spicy foods, coffee, tea and chocolate.