Envíe sus consultas sobre la piel a Dr. Agnes, CEO de Herborium y experta en medicina natural
Definición: Gran cantidad de granos inflamados que cubren amplias áreas del rostro y la frente, generalmente más persistentes
(A) Si sufre de Acnè Leve Crònico, podría necesitar más de un mes de tratamiento.
(B) Para individuos con Acné Moderado Crónico serán necesarias dosis de 12 tabletas/día (3 x 4 tabletas) durante al menos 1-2 meses. Para individuos con Acné Severo, dosis inicial de 18 tabletas diarias (3x6) serán necesarias durante un mínimo de 2-3 meses. Una vez logrado una mejora notable, la dosis podrá ser reducida a 8 tabletas-día, o a 12 tabletas-día Para individuos con Acné Severo Crónico cuyo peso supere las 175 libras, una dosis de 18 tabletas-día podría ser necesaria durante más de 3 meses.
Beneficios principales:
A. You have Moderate Acne when you have a significant number of pimples. Many are inflamed and are not only placed on your face but also on your forehead
A. Yes, definitely AcnEase will prevent formation of new whiteheads and blackheads what means it will stop acne.
A. Yes and yes. AcnEase will definitely help your hormonal acne (stopping OC results in a massive change of your hormonal makeup and usually produces major hormonal imbalance that will cause over-stimulation of your sebaceous glands). AcnEase serves as a buffer between hormones and your sebaceous glands but will NOT directly affect your hormones. In addition, AcnEase has been tested for safety and none of herbs have been found on FDA dangerous or questionable ingredients so it is safe to be used before, during and after pregnancy
A. Oily skin is indeed the first stage of acne and need to be treated. Moderate Acne Regimen is the appropriate Regimen to treat oily skin